Lifespath - spiritual energy healing

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proxy sessions available

Why go to a Spiritual Energy Healer?…

You are more than you see in the mirror, as if that is not amazing in itself!  You have elements to your being that are far beyond what I can explain.  Multidimensional, your body’s auric fields consist of 7 energy centres (chakras).  There are further soul auric fields and then more into the spiritual planes.  

Clearing from a Spiritual point of view, releases from the Soul Records and from the layers you have come through to incarnate in to your physical body, your chosen avatar for this incarnation.  Anything blocking you from 100% positive light of SPIRIT will be released in the first session.

A Soul Clearing will pave the way for any future healing work you want to achieve based on your current life.

Your story is unique to you.  Wherever you are in life, your past got you here.  


Lifespath background …

I started Lifespath back in 2007, having being attuned to Reiki I & II and studying counselling, life coaching, hypnotherapy and NLP.  It was the NLP that really hit the RESTART button for me.  Neurolinguistic Programming opened my eyes to how the brain stores memories, patterns etc and how the communications from the different parts of our consciousness work together to either hinder or to help us move forward.   

The passion for this type of work came from my own emotional healing, which was made possible with help from a spiritual counsellor.  This was in my 40’s… I only wish I’d done it sooner!

My brother suffered mental issues, which stirred a need in me to understand what fuelled his illness.

Within my search for answers, I was drawn to modalities that would be quick to help clients, enabling them to release past hurts without having to re-live scenarios.  This led me to emotional energy release work and spiritual energy healing, bringing a new aspect of past lives and soul work.

Working with me …

You will find me non-judgmental, friendly and caring.  Sessions can be by proxy, whereby I work on your behalf… I like to call it spiritual WI-FI, as I don’t need to be with you in order to be of service.  We could also work on Zoom, or face to face.  It all works the same whichever method is utilised.   An email report of what has been cleared will sent after the session.

See what my clients say

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Get back to the heart of you

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