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proxy sessions available

You want peace, clarity, joy, self-love, but find that you are blocked from these or other positive aspects in your life. Clearing negative trapped emotional energies will release these blocks. The intention is that you feel authentic in your own skin, so that relationships, work, social interactions run with ease.  

As a spiritual being who has had many lives, there can be discordant energies from times gone by that affect the current life in some way.  Even experiences from this life can be influenced by past lives.  Here’s an outline of the sessions offered… 

Soul Clearing Session

I always suggest this as a first session. Why? Often there can be blocks and interferences that are outside our normal mode of thinking.  These can very much interfere with your energies and therefore any work we are trying to do.  

An initial Soul Clearing will reveal any attachments, often earthbound spirits, people who have died and not moved on.  Earthbound spirits are common.  I found this surprising when I started to work this way.  The problem with having these in tow is that they’ll still be holding on to their life emotional/mental energies and a host can pick up these feelings as if their own.  

Earthbound’s are only one aspect of clearing.  Other interferences, blocks, programmes and beings can be at play.  There are too many possibilities to mention here, and everyone’s clearing is different.  Some of the more usual things cleared are…

  • Addicted Souls
  • Extra Souls 
  • Inner Child Blocks
  • Blocks to Positive Expressions
  • Negative Motivations
  • Past Lives Residues
  • Discordant Beliefs and Energies
  • Vows
  • Interference in the Spiritual Layers
  • and much more

A Soul Clearing session is  about getting 100% positive spiritual light reaching you at this incarnational level.  

soul with auras
Get back to the heart of you

Personal Clearing Session

be free of trapped emotions

A session may clear a particular emotion, i.e. unforgiving, anger, jealousy, low self-worth, etc. Trapped emotions are a resonating frequency which attracts identical issues to you. For example, you may come out of a relationship and the next relationship unfolds similarly. It’s like an echo, reminding you that there are residue emotions to clear.   

Family issues that don’t seem to resolve, no matter what you do.   Are you stuck in your career, relationship, social interacting.  Sometimes life can get to a point that you just feel lost.

Or maybe you have a heart-wall. This is a wall of emotions around your heart that is protecting you from getting hurt. But it can stop love from flowing to and from you naturally, and can also block self love.

A Personal Clearing session is for current issues, something that is no doubt stopping you from enjoying your life fully. This session will be tailored to your specific situation and may utilise several modalities. 

Healing past trauma/experiences is fundamental to enjoying life fully. Your subconscious holds the key to what may still resonate emotionally or mentally.

Trapped emotions need to be acknowledged so that they can be released. By working with your higher teams, emotional energies may be highlighted that you’re not aware of at this incarnational level. All trapped energies can interfere with your life on some level.

Home Clearing Session

It may seem strange to add this to my list of sessions, but earthbound spirits in the home can be a bit of nuisance. They are best returned to their spiritual home. Negative entities and energies within the property will affect occupants, especially those that are more sensitive.  

Homes may have residue energies of illness, arguments, divorce, death, fear, depression, etc. We bring items into our homes, which may also carry negative energy. 

But what of the ground your home is built on? Negative energies from past events, geopathic stresses, electrical discharges, Ley lines, portals and energy drains… these can all have a detrimental effect on us.

An immediate change in the atmosphere is usually felt once these energies are cleared.

Here are some clues to look for …

  • Feeling happier when away from the home
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Cold or uncomfortable areas within the house
  • Occupant(s) are unnaturally irritable 
  • Animals freaking out in certain areas of the house
  • Unexplained happenings, i.e. lights going on/off on their own, things being moved, the smell of tobacco smoke when nobody in the house smokes, and suchlike.
  • Occupant(s) feeling flat or unenthused about life generally
  • A sense of being watched when alone in the house

Earthbound spirits sometimes struggle to find their way back to the light. A home clearing is a win-win for them and the occupants. There’s no need for me to visit the house. This session is done by proxy.

A Home Clearing session will bring a home back into 100% positive light.

releasing house spirits

Spiritual Energy Healing - be free of trapped emotional energies

All sessions are £60 including an email report detailing what has been cleared.

Click here to start your healing journey

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