Lifespath - spiritual energy healing

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Becoming your true self

“I help spiritually aware people who want to be happy in their own skin, but are struggling with emotional, mental or spiritual blocks”

Get back to the heart of you

If you struggle emotionally or mentally because of experiences, or feel a negative force around you that is blocking enjoyment of life, or you have lost yourself on your life’s path, you have come to the right place.

I help clear the vibrational energies that may be creating a block to you finding your authentic self, so that you can begin to feel joy and acceptance.

When emotions from old stories are still resonating, then it’s time to find a solution to move on from them. Lifespath facilitates spiritual energy healing to heal emotional, mental or spiritual aspects from your soul journey so far. This may even go back to past lives.

To know how I work, you must first understand that you are a spiritual being living a physical experience. 

We all operate on three levels… conscious (ego / thinking), subconscious (memory/habits), and higher conscious (soul).  Working with the subconscious and higher conscious levels, we can bring deep memories and energies to the conscious for release.

Your subconscious remembers all your life’s experiences, and at death information is uploaded into your Soul Records (also known as the Akashic Records). Your Soul Records is an accumulation of your soul’s journey. If discordant energies were not released during a particular lifetime experience, those energies may still resonate and can show up as challenges in this life.   

You may not know why you feel the way you do, but your Higher Self will, whether its experience/trauma, past lives, negative interfering energies, spiritual layer blocks, cords, entities, curses, vows, extra souls, addicted souls, the list goes on.  

With the type of spiritual work I do, it allows for release of emotional blocks without having to re-live an experience.   Let’s get you back to the joyful soul you were meant to be.

The subconscious and higher conscious hold golden nuggets of information, past and present, which help us find and clear what no longer serves you  

I help the spiritually aware clear blocks so a better life evolves

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